Move More; Feel Better
Anti-Inflammation Lifestyle: Consistent Exercise Regular, moderate exercise helps to reduce acute inflammatory responses, allowing for faster healing. Exercise has also been found to decrease chronic inflammation. The more physically fit a person is, the fewer inflammatory chemicals his body produces. So not only do regular exercisers heal faster when injured, they also have less risk for [...]
Lose Weight; Lower Inflammation
Anti-Inflammation Lifestyle: A Healthy Weight Even more important than the foods you choose to eat, maintaining a healthy weight may be your best defense against chronic inflammation. Fat cells themselves increase inflammation in the body. The links between obesity and osteoarthritis, diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome are very close. The heavier the person, the higher [...]
Anti-Inflammation Eating
Anti-Inflammation Lifestyle: Healthy Food Choices Science is not always conclusive, often leaving us with more questions than answers; but interestingly, many of the recommendations for lowering chronic inflammation go right along with conventional wisdom for good overall health. An anti-inflammatory lifestyle will take longer to work than an anti-inflammatory drug—rather than an hour, don’t expect any [...]
Keep Inflammation in Check
Anti-Inflammation Lifestyle: Keep Inflammation in Check Acute inflammation is the body’s protective reaction to infection or injury. Part of the inflammation process is pain, which is caused by swelling tissues pressing on nerves, and the production of chemical substances that send pain signals to the brain. As the injury heals or the body fights off the [...]
Continued Pain after Surgery–Neuroablation
Neuroablation Neuroablation is an advanced treatment option which involves the destruction of nerve tissue. The goal is to interrupt the signal between the source of pain and the brain, or to remove neural structures that contribute to pain. This is accomplished by one of two means: cryoablation or radiofrequency ablation. Cryoablation involves freezing a nerve [...]
Continued Pain after Surgery–Spinal Cord Stimulation
Spinal Cord Stimulation/Neuromodulation A spinal cord stimulator or a neurostimulator is a surgically placed device about the size of a stopwatch. It delivers mild electrical signals to the epidural space near your spine. It doesn't cure pain, but helps manage it. How it works Pain Signal Device delivers mild electrical signals to the epidural space near your [...]